the way away from home

Last Friday on my way home from work I noticed a weed growing out of the crack of a concrete bridge I go over almost every day. I’ve been on that bridge probably hundreds of times but on that day, I saw it differently for some reason. Maybe it was the sun? maybe all of the rain created just the right environment for it to grow tall enough for me to notice.

On the way away from home this morning I was so tired, I listened to the news, I was so off I cannot remember what I actually heard, probably a bad thing. Here right now, I am listeneing to the noise of bugs and and H-VAC unit that refuses to quit. I’m sitting in the grass alongside the parking lot where work counting down the hours until I can drive back home. 2hr 31 minutes left.

Not really sure but I notice things more on the way home, rather than the way away from home.